Camp Fowler is First To Be DesignatedAs UCC Creation Justice Camp
Bill Bourdon, Executive Director of OMA-UCC, said Camp Fowler is a great example of what a Creation Justice camp should be.
“Through the wonderful leadership of Rev. Kent Busman, Camp Fowler has incorporated Creation Justice into everything they do and think about at camp. One of the stories I remember hearing about Camp Fowler is that there was a staff person who was focused on reducing her environmental footprint for the summer. So, she carried every bit of the garbage she created that summer in her backpack, thus quietly being a witness to creation care. The stories can go on and on — their composting toilets, the songs that are sung, and the lives they have changed,” he said. “Clearly Camp Fowler is a role model for us all.”
Find out more about Fowler and the tenants of their Creation Justice covenant here.