Curriculum and Training
Compass Points
Compass Points is a cooperative program of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association, United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries, Outdoor Ministries Association of the United Church of Christ, Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, and Episcopal Camp and Conference Centers Inc. in partnership with Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia.
The courses are designed for camp and retreat professionals seeking to widen their base of knowledge in this vital specialized ministry. Directors, program directors, and seminary students have found this training invaluable as they advance in their career.
Follow the link below to find out more about upcoming courses.
OMA-UCC offers scholarships for Compass Points Courses. Contact us for more info.
Summer Curriculum
Another Way
Jesus often confronted the world around him with another way of being and by his example, we are reminded that God always invites us to reimagine who we are and how we do things. Being at camp, we are already finding another way, apart from the trappings and distractions of home. In the peace of this space, we will explore what would change if we lived as our authentic selves and respected the truths of others. In this humility, we will imagine how growing changes the way we live. In this potential for transformation, we will imagine how our personal change meets the change we seek in the world. Whether we are addressing unfair rules or dreaming of a time when all people belong, we know that God calls us to do a new thing and faithfully forge another way.
What you’ll find in Another Way
Another Way all-inclusive summer camp curriculum includes materials for a full week's worth of activities for different age levels. You'll find:
Bible study and community building activities for five age groups
Separate worship resources designed specifically for children and youth
Activity sheets to send home with campers for engaging families
“Letters from Camp” – templates you can adapt and send out to campers and families all year long
Crafts, games, science and nature, multi-day projects, challenges and group building, and much more!
Planning camp, training staff, and creating life-long memories has never been easier!
You can learn more about Linked by Love by going to the InsideOut website..